Black Seed Oil

The eternal elixir

Black Seed Oil

When ancient history’s wisdom is proven by modern science

The Black Seed

Nigella Sativa

Now available in 1 litre bottles!!

Black Seed Oil: “A Remedy for every illness except Death”

History tells of a marvel of the ancient world. A simple seed that was considered “a remedy for every illness except death”. King Tut was buried with jars of these “magical” seeds. Queen Cleopatra and Nefertiti used the oil to maintain their beauty. Hippocrates wrote glorious essays to their incredible healing abilities. Ancient Greek and Persian Doctors wrote extensive medical tomes about this tiny seed.

This amazing healer is called “Black Seed”, Nigella Sativa.

This tiny unassuming looking seed has been used for thousands of years to cure just about everything.

Modern Illness

Ancient Cures

In our modern times, medical researchers, scientists and doctors are doing a stunning amount of research into Black Seed- as a matter of fact, US National Library of Medicine- National Institutes of Health, have published over 6900 studies that have been done on Nigella Sativa.

Scientific Studies show daily usage may cause the following:

*Fighting Cancer
*Combating MRSA
*Assists Type 2 Diabetes
*Reduces Epileptic Seizures
*Decreases Asthma
*Reduces High Blood Pressure
*Prevents Radiation Damage
*Aids in Opiate Withdrawal
*Heals Psoriasis

A brief list of some of the side effects of black seed oil:


The 2 most potent chemicals contained in the Nigella Sativa seeds are Thymoquinone and Thymohydroquinone. These components of black seed are 2 of the main compounds that generate it’s huge healing effects.

…. and it’s amazing for your skin and hair too! Black Seed Oil is a true super food for your skin, with vitamins, minerals, omega 3 fatty acids, omega 6 fatty acids, and amino acids, to help improve the conditions of the skin, hair, and nails.

And a side effect of Black Seed Oil that has continued to confound scientists: it encourages hair regrowth in men and women suffering from hair loss!

Organic Black Seed Oil & C60

taking health and skincare to the next level

If you think that Black Seed Oil is brilliant, just wait until you try it with C60 fullerenes!!

THIS is where Natures old world ingredients meets new world chemistry, bringing together elements that will change how we look at health and healing.