On June 14th 2018, I hosted a live presentation on: “C60 Fullerenes: What are they? And how can they benefit me?”
Below you will find the video of the presentation. After the presentation I opened the Chat to take questions, and I dove into further detail about how C60 is put into oils, our methods, and I discussed our own observations from the tests that we have run in our family and a small group of friends. I have edited some of the Q&A to remove personal comments/information that came up during the discussion.
I am always available to answer any questions people may have. I will add this note for absolutely clarification: I am NOT a Doctor, nor do I have a medical licence. I do not give “medical advice” and can only offer my personal perspective on results I have witnessed, or on studies and experiments that I have read and reviewed for information purposes only. None of my statements, comments or posts should be taken as “Medical Advice”.
C60 Presentation
C60: Questions & Answers
PDF of the C60 Presentation, June 14th 2018
C60 Presentation, June 14th 2018
hi darlin, I’ll reply to you privately or in the members area 😉
Hey darlin, what sizes will there be and what’s the price? I’d like to preorder so I can get it ASAP
Dani, I’m so disappointed I missed the live conversation. I’m very, very interested both the oils with C60.
I started reading the research papers; I got a brain cramp.
When digesting the oil would you place 2 drops under the tongue? or with a TBL of distilled water?
Is there any research on CBD oil with C60?
I have severe dermatitis on my legs due to Graves disease/Autoimmune disease. Last year I traveled to Mexico and didn’t realize the UVA was at 12-13 and because I was in the sun it triggered a severe skin rash. Dr gave me 2.5% hydrocortisone creme only because it was so inflamed. I really didn’t want to use it but it was just so uncomfortable and swollen. I would like to use only the C60 topically.
I’ll also use it on my hands, I have severe osteoarthritis and now plaque psoriasis has developed on the palm of my hand. I will keep a journal on how it works on me with pictures.
Thank you Dani
Crazy Crone